6 Things with Roti Brown Content Manager + Creative

Based in Los Angeles, Roti Brown is the definition of a creative and prioritizes authenticity in every way. From freelance as a content creator with an aesthetic direction that is unmatched, Roti is currently the Content Manager at Oak Essentials, Jenni Kayne, and Jenni Kayne Home. Roti shares her stunningly remodeled Somi Studio, honest and notable life and career advice, and where she finds inspiration outside of social media. 

1. What started it all for you?

Loaded question – Growing up I never viewed myself as a creative person. I especially never saw myself in a creative career. Things I considered to be mindless hobbies were presented to me as ways to pass the time, not money-making careers. I majored in Public Policy in college and after graduating into the pandemic, I felt like I had this rare opportunity to put time into something that I'd always been interested in. I landed two simultaneous internships in social media and the marketing field. One at a media outlet and one under an Art Director. The months I spent at those internships were my foot in the door to the industry. I worked hard to absorb all the knowledge I could, and from there I ended up building my own client list and found success as a full-time freelancer.

But I had this itch to go in-house somewhere. Luckily, an opportunity at Jenni Kayne presented itself. Currently, I’m the Content Manager at Oak Essentials, Jenni Kayne, and Jenni Kayne Home.

2. What drives your creative spark?

There’s a lot of inspiration to be found online – especially on social media. But unfortunately, I think working in social has ruined it for me. It feels a lot like labor even when I’m off the clock.

These days I’m increasingly inspired by nature and feel the calmest when I’m outside in a stunning setting. I think it’s a beautiful feeling when I’m not looking for inspiration and find it in a very organic way.

3. Most treasured home decor item?

There are so many items I’m loving right now. I recently remodeled and designed my studio space, Somi Studio, and I’m thoroughly obsessed with everything in it. It was a very intimate process building a space from scratch so I’m not sure I could single out one specific item after being so ingrained in the design process. Everything in there is a true treasure.

4. What’s the best advice you've ever received?

Life advice – Prioritize your downtime. I pencil mine into my calendar. Giving myself time to recharge has been an essential part of my sanity.

Career advice – Momentum is key. Jumping into a field with little experience/connections can be scary. A long time ago, a mentor told me that momentum would be the most powerful tool in my career.
I’d say, take the pressure off, get started, and keep going. That advice hasn’t failed me.

5. It's 5 o'clock at home. What would you be pouring?

I’m having a major moment with orange wine right now. Current Favorites: Fallen Grapes and Bojo Do Luar Tez.

6. What are your favorite 6 accounts that you follow for inspiration?



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"These days I’m increasingly inspired by nature and feel the calmest when I’m outside in a stunning setting. I think it’s a beautiful feeling when I’m not looking for inspiration and find it in a very organic way." -Roti Brown