6 Things with Aliah Arquiza Founder of A Vintage Find
Based in San Jose, California, Aliah started sourcing one-of-a-kind vintage items during the pandemic on her days off from being a Physical Therapist Assistant. Her account @a.vintagefind turned into a Bay Area vintage must follow list. She doesn’t let one career define her and her vintage pieces are as unique as she is.
1. What started it all for you?
When the pandemic hit my fiancé and I had just moved in with each other. We had this beautiful loft apartment to fill and extra time on our hands during quarantine. I would come home after a long day working in the COVID unit and I'd just get lost in decorating. I'd find myself mixing vintage, secondhand, and new pieces around our home. I came across so many pieces that we didn’t have room for, so that’s when @a.vintagefind was born. It became a creative outlet for me, that surprisingly grew more than I expected. Now I’m happy to say that I have two jobs that I absolutely love.
2. What drives your creative spark?
Sourcing one-of-a-kind vintage pieces whenever and wherever I can. Whether it be at a local thrift shop, scrolling through Facebook Marketplace, or browsing around at an estate sale, I just love the thrill of finding unique pieces!Â
3. Most treasured home decor item?
I can’t imagine my home without my Hawaiian Chaise by Pacific Green.
4. What’s the best advice you've ever received?
“The most valuable asset is not a head full of knowledge. But a heart full of love, with an ear ready to listen and a hand willing to help."
5. It's 5 o'clock at home. What would you be pouring?
A shot of Empress gin with a splash of grapefruit sparkling water mixed with honey citron tea on ice.
6. What are your favorite 6 accounts that you follow for inspiration?